Is It Time To Groom Your Pet?

Having a dog is a lot of fun. However, it is also a major responsibility. It is up to you to get your pet bathed and groomed regularly. And, while you may think you can do these things on your own, the truth is that, more often than not, family pets benefit greatly from the knowledge and expertise of a professional groomer. While you should, ideally, get your furry friend set up on a regular grooming schedule, you should also be aware of the major indicators that your pet is in need of some serious grooming and fast! Knowing these signs can ensure that your precious pooch stays happy, healthy and hygienic for years to come:

"Get to the Groomer" Sign #1: Matted Fur

To start off with, one of the first major indicators that it is time for some serious grooming is if your pet has matted fur. Matted fur is basically fur that has "matted" or become stuck together, making it impossible to untangle with a brush. Typically, matted hair has to be shaved off.

If you don't treat matting promptly, it can lead to infection, a reduced ability to keep your pup warm in the winter, and skin irritation and other problems.

If you notice one or more mats in your dog's fur, it's definitely time to book an appointment with a local groomer!

"Get to the Groomer" Sign #2: Pesky Pests

Dirty pet hair provides the perfect place for fleas and ticks to live. These pests are not only annoying and unsanitary, but they can also prove dangerous to your pet's health, well-being, and overall comfort and quality of life.

Thus, if you notice fleas, ticks, or other insects making themselves at home on your dog's coat, then it is definitely time to see a groomer. A groomer can get rid of the immediate problem and also let you know about treatment options and other measures you can take to get rid of the pest problem in your home and to keep it from coming back and affecting your pet again.

"Get to the Groomer" Sign #3: Your Pet Stinks!

It doesn't get more blunt than this, but if your pet smells, it is definitely time to see a groomer.

All too often, pet owners get accustomed to their dog's smell and thus don't notice when their furry friends are getting super stinky. If a friend cues you in on a pet's odor, either subtly or bluntly, get your pet to a groomer to take care of the problem and potentially discover the underlying cause.

As you can see, there are many indicators that it's time to see a groomer. Don't ignore these signs! In fact, be on the lookout for them, and if you happen to notice any of these things in your own pet, get to a groomer right away.

Contact a pet grooming company for more information and assistance. 
