4 Tips To Ensure Your Dog Has A Happy And Healthy Stay At A Boarding Facility

Dogs are loving and loyal family members, and most pet owners want to do everything possible to ensure that their dog is happy and healthy. There may be some situations where you need to entrust the care of your dog to a boarding facility while you're out of town. If you need to board your dog in the near future, use the following tips to ensure that it is a good experience:

Choose a Boarding Facility Carefully

If you're going to use a boarding facility to care for your furry family member, it is very important to choose the right one for dog care. Don't make a decision based on a website and don't make an appointment for your dog's stay over the phone. It is always a good idea to inspect a boarding facility in person so you can watch how the staff interacts with the animals, see how clean the facility is, and observe the behavior of the dog's being boarded. 

Get Up to Date on Vaccinations

The majority of boarding facilities require a dog to be up to date on vaccinations before their stay, so several weeks in advance it is a good idea to contact your dog's vet to see if your pup needs any booster shots. Being up to date on vaccinations will help ensure that you pup remains healthy while he is staying at the boarding facility.

Make Sure that Your Dog Gets Attention and Exercise

When making arrangements for your dog's stay at a boarding facility, make sure you talk to the staff about what kind of attention and exercise your dog will receive. Many boarding facilities offer doggy daycare, which allows the dogs time to play and socialize with other dogs. It is a good idea to pay extra for this service so your dog can get all of his energy out. Your dog should also receive a few walks a day, as well as some personalized attention from the staff at the boarding facility.

Send Something Familiar from Home

No matter how nice a boarding facility is, being away from home can initially be stressful for your dog. You may want to consider sending something from home, such as one of your t-shirts or a blanket, that smells familiar and comforting. It is also a good idea to pack some of your dog's favorite toys from home to play with when he is in his personal kennel area. 
