Three Signs Should Take Your Dog To The Vet

We all know to bring our dog into the vet when it's wounded, but your pet can give subtle signals it needs to go in. When your dog is acting differently, how do you know when your pet is just acting off or if it really needs to go to the vet?

Refusing Food or Water

One of the major symptoms that it's time for your dog to go to the vet is when it starts refusing to eat or drink. If your dog is licking its lips, it could be nauseated.

Sometimes, dogs that are refusing food can be enticed to eat. Warming the food up or serving favorite treats are a great way to get your pet to eat. If your dog takes food or drinks, it's a good sign. If they don't you need to get to your vet immediately.  

Straining to Go

When dogs strain to go it can be easy to write it off as constipation. However, some dogs may be experiencing a blockage or obstruction. Blockages usually occur in either bad cases of constipation or if your pooch ate something they shouldn't have.

Call your vet first to see if they advise offering your pet food. If they do, you may be able to add a little canned pumpkin to your dog's food. This pumpkin will help to hydrate them and clear them out. If your dog still can't go after the pumpkin, it's time to make a vet appointment.


Limping is a sign your dog needs help. Sometimes your dog may have just pulled something and needs a little rest. It could also be something simple like a thorn in your dog's paw. You can help your dog by first examining its paw, and if you see a foreign object is the source of pain, remove it and apply antibiotic ointment.

Severe signs of limping like not putting any weight at all on its leg is a sign your dog's leg is severely hurt and needs a vet. If your dog doesn't have a visibly broken leg, you can determine the cause of pain by gently pressing on its leg. Start at the paw and working your way up. If your dog winces or shows signs of pain, it can help to determine the cause of the pain. If you're unable to determine the cause, take your dog to the vet. They can advise you if over the counter medication can help your dog feel more comfortable until you can make it to the appointment.

It can be impossible to diagnose your pet without a veterinary diagnosis. A simple call to your vet can help to establish whether your pet is experiencing an emergency, or if it's best to take a wait and see approach. For more information, contact specialists like Robert Irelan DVM.
